All Kits & Gifts, Sewing, Knitting, etc.
To make it easier for our customers you will now find all the gifts and kits in this section including our ready made gifts like handbags, purses, pencil cases, soap, lavender bags. Plus we also stock a variety of kits including needlefelting, sewing, crotchet, cross-stitch, embroidery and occasional macrame.
Gifts - We often get people who come into our shop and say "I thought you sold gifts" Well what is a gift? For me personally, a gift is something that I buy for a person(s) that I feel they would like to receive. So that could be a craft kit if they like crafts, some fabric if they like to sew or one of the other finished items we sell such as the handbags, soap, etc. What do you think a gift is?